Can you swim with contact lenses?
Only if your doctor says so! Here’s why you should think twice about taking a dip with your lenses.
What’s so bad about swimming in contact lenses?

Water can contain organisms that cause something called Acanthamoeba Keratitis. That’s a big word for a bad eye infection. Gross, right?

Soft lenses absorb water – and bacteria right along with it – so if you’re at the beach or the pool, it’s best to take them out.
What if I already swam in my lenses?
Take out your lenses right away, and clean and disinfect them with OPTI-FREE®. Daily disposable lenses should be tossed. If you experience any redness, tearing, blurred vision, pain or the feeling like something is in your eye, call your eye doctor on the double. And remember to remove your lenses before you swim next time.
What exactly is Acanthamoeba Keratitis?
It’s a rare but serious infection of the eye that can result in permanent vision loss. This infection is caused by an Acanthamoeba organism that can be found in many bodies of water. Risk factors include storing and handling lenses improperly, not disinfecting lenses correctly, and swimming or showering with lenses, so make sure to take care of your lenses and your eyes by avoiding these bad habits.