Can you shower with contact lenses?
Not unless your doctor says it’s OK. Let’s talk about why.
Why can’t I shower with lenses in?

Tap water, including shower water, can be full of not-so-friendly organisms that can hurt your eyes. Who knew, right?

Your lenses are basically little sponges and can absorb water that may contain bacteria and fungi. When those bad guys get in your eyes, it can lead to irritation and infections.

Shower water can cause soft contact lenses to change shape, swell, and even stick to the eye. This is pretty uncomfortable, and can scratch the cornea, which makes it easier for germs to enter the eye and cause infection.
What should you do?

It’s pretty simple. Just make sure you take your lenses out before you jump in the shower or tub.

Store them in fresh OPTI-FREE® solution while you shower and pop them back in when you’re done.
What if I already showered in my lenses?
If you do experience any irritation, redness, blurred vision, tearing or the feeling that something’s in your eye, call your eye doctor ASAP.