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No. We’ll tell you why.

What is “topping off” solution?

Topping off solution dilutes the disinfecting power of the solution and can lead to an eye infection. It’s best to use fresh solution each time.

Topping off is when you add fresh solution to the used solution that’s already in your lens case. It’s not a good idea because it dilutes the disinfecting power of your fresh solution, which could leave you at risk for an eye infection.

What if I already topped off my solution?

Stop right there! You should dump out that old solution immediately and replace it with fresh solution. If you don’t, it can lead to an eye infection. If you experience any redness, tearing, blurred vision, pain or feel like something is in your eye, call your eye doctor right away. And next time, remember to use fresh solution each time you take your contact lenses out.

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